Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm an addict!

I'm an addict! I crave it all the time. I can't get enough of it. I wanna do it everyday but I can't. So I have to settle for the weekend when we all can meet and create something so beautiful together. I love weekends because I get to fulfill my undying crave. Don't worry for a speak not of a drug (legal or illegal) but I am speaking of my drug :).......MUSIC! Yes music. Every weekend my steel band and I meet up and practice. No matter how bad of a mood i could possibly be in all I have to do is play my instrument and all my troubles just slips away. I just realized that I'm never in a bad mood on

I fell in love with it when I was thirteen. I became very engrossed in it. It came second to almost everything. I broke up with at least three boyfriends because of it. They just didn't understand the unconditional loving relationship that I have between me and my steel pan; they were jealous. But I enjoy playing beautiful music, it has helped me through so many heartaches and any other pain that I had. So would I ever lose the love I have for my instrument?? NEVER!!! I wouldn't trade it for anything.

BTW.....if anyone does not know what a steel pan is feel free to read my past blogs about it :)

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