Monday, November 16, 2009

F@#K IT!!!!

When I was a teenager, I would take everything so seriously. I cared a lot about what people thought about me. I wanted everyone to like me and when I found out that they didn't, it would take a toll on me emotionally. I used to cry a lot about it, A LOT! In fact I used to get upset that I would seclude myself in my room and sulk about almost everything. Until I got a case of what I call the "Fuck it" syndrome. This syndrome was introduced to me by my mother. The Fuck It syndrome is when you stop caring what people think and how they judge you. Instead of getting emotional about it, you say "fuck it" and it works trust me.

No more was I wasting my time worrying about what people thought. In fact, the Fuck It syndrome enabled me to feel comfortable in letting people know how I feel about them. A while ago an overweight woman told me I should eat more because I'm too skinny, I wasn't going to comment on her obvious implication that I'm anorexic but I said to myself, "Fuck It" and I told her that maybe she should stop eating because she's too fat! I know that suffering from this syndrome may get me beat up one day but fuck it!

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