Friday, December 4, 2009

Total praise :)

Just got back from the concert my band was featured in. The main theme was called Total Praise which is a gospel by Richard Smallwood. Although the crowd turnout wasn't so great, the music was still enjoyable. I worked hard with my band organizing and making sure everything was done right on our end. We looked very elegant and we sounded good, although there is much more room for improvement but that's why we continue to practice. Some of the band members are very new to the band and steel pan as well, so they were very nervous. I'm really proud of them though because even though they messed up they continued playing with a smile on their faces. The mistakes weren't that audible nonetheless but I will make sure that they practice a whole lot more to build their self confidence.

I'm not being bias but my steel band was the best for the night. This was not only my opinion but the crowd's as well for when we played our first song we got a standing ovation. I may upload some pictures from our performance on my next blog. We have one more concert to perform at on December 19th. I'm looking forward to this event because it is bigger and over 10 bands are performing.

Just incase no one has ever heard the gospel Total Praise, at the end of this blog there will be a youtube link to a version of the song, sung by Fantasia. At the end of the concert my band played it along with the church choir, it was so moving and powerful that it made me very emotional.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Model training--Day 1

So today was my first day of class as I am training on the proper way to be a model. There was a little class time where the professors talked about wardrobe essentials and stuff of that nature. The part of that really had me timid was the runway. First of all I have poor posture and it was evident when I started walking the runway. The professor yelled at me but in an encouraging way. Not once has she ever talked down to me, which I liked. By the end of the night, I got a little better. I am no professional yet but I'm getting there one step at a time. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I've been busy, busy, busy! Just recently my crappy job hired a bunch of new hires and now they've been cutting my hours. I'm talking serious CUTS. So I've been out there looking for alternative employment but my problem is no one wants to hire me because of my school schedule. This is the reason I like working at my current crappy job because they a VERY flexible with my school schedule. So I've found the solution!!! Ever since I moved to New York, about 2 and a half years ago, I've had strangers come up to me on numerous occasions that asked me if I'm a model. I would always smile and say..."No, I'm not." Well I have finally gotten the hint. I can use this so called "natural talent" and turn it into a real money maker. After all, this is New York where dreams come true :) So.....I have signed up to do a 11-week training course on how to be a proper model. This school I signed up for specializes in runway, magazine and commercial. So I will have the opportunity to see what type of modeling fits me most. I have learned a long time ago that if I really want something I need to invest in it. I wanted a career, so I invested in college. I want to make money as a model, so I going to invest in the proper training to do so.

Monday, November 23, 2009


If you need a place, in this reality
Just to be yourself, while everything seems awfully
To cry, to scream, to relief your heart
When you feel your world is falling apart
I will be right here, to wait and hope
And I will gently remove the rope
Which lies and tightens around your neck
Pull you away, and of course I’ll check
The light in your eyes is fading away
Turning black, turning cold, clearly with dismay
Your heart feels far away, gone to disappear
I want you to stay, I want you near
I smile at you, and try to remember
What it was like, no need to go further
Loneliness and sadness passing by
Hand in hand, with tears in the eye
Drowning in words, unnecessary pain
No need to describe, no need to complain
Your eyes are open, lightning once more
Watching, sparkling, just like before
I’ll hold you in my arms, hold you tight
Tell you, that we, together, have won this fight

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Food for thought!

Sooooo my night was somewhat uneventful. One of my good friends is a model and she was walking in a fashion show in the Manhattan. It was a fundraising event for the homeless which I found to be very generous. Instead of charging a set fee for patrons they gave the option for us to donate any amount we desired. The entire concept of the event was very sincere and kind but the actual event was not so good.

Thankfully the host was able to keep me laughing at some moments. The actual fashion was mediocre but 90% of the models really sucked. They were really talentless. My friend was great and I'm not saying that because I'm biased because for the people who actually know me, knows that I tell it like it is. The highlight of the night for me and I'm sure for everyone else that was present was an 11-year-old little girl that also walked in the fashion show. She was GREAT!! She worked that runway like a professional. She was better than everyone in the showcase (including my I loved the fact that the designers didn't dress her inappropriately. I must admit that watching that her in that show made me realize that maybe I should model.....just maybe. It is surely some food for thought...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Moonlight Sonata

Beethoven is one of the most brilliant composers of all time. I taught myself part of the first movement of Moonlight Sonata tonight on my steel pan. Playing it gave me so much joy. The melodies and countermelodies are so sweet and soothing. It was what I really needed today. Playing it just right with all the dynamics almost made me cry. Moonlight Sonata has to be my favorite piece by Beethoven thus far. It is simple yet so effective. This song was so brilliantly intricate. I'm just getting emotional thinking about it.

It is said that this composition was and dedicated to Beethoven’s pupil and passion, 17-year-old Countess Giulietta Gucciardi in 1802. It is also said that this passage is rendered in absolute remembrance to a dear friend of the composer whom had lost their life at an early age. Analyzing and comparing, one could realize that it cannot be the case of a romantic moon lit night, but rather of a solemn funeral hymn. Nonetheless, one can hear the passion through every note played. If you want to understand what I'm talking about, feel free to click on the link below:)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Every time I order something from online and it comes to my house via UPS there is always some kind of delay or problem with my package. A couple months ago I ordered swim suits and it took over fourteen days fir it to get to my house. I didn't say anything because I need those items for January 2010 when I go on vacation. But nonetheless it took forever to get to my house because of UPS and not the company I ordered from. Earlier this month I ordered ten dresses from for my band and what do you know it was shipped via UPS. Ten days passes by and no package was delivered to my house. So I go online and track the package. My item was shipped, it got to Brooklyn, NY and upon arrival in New York UPS had noticed my package was damaged and sent my package back to forever21's warehouse which is all the way in California. When I called the warehouse they explained that while my package was in UPS' care it got wet so they sent my package back. So my money was refunded. Last week I ordered more dresses for my band and paid for 2nd day shipping. I waited all day today for that package. I waited and waited but the doorbell was never rung. I heard the slightest knock on my door but by the time I got to it, there was no one there. On my door was their stupid notice saying that they attempted to deliver but there was no one available to sign. As soon as I saw that stupid piece of paper I ran down the six flights of stairs hoping to catch him. But I was too late, he had already pulled off in that stupid brown truck. Now I have to spend my entire day off tomorrow just to wait for him to return. Oh joy!