Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's been a while

It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I've been busy, busy, busy! Just recently my crappy job hired a bunch of new hires and now they've been cutting my hours. I'm talking serious CUTS. So I've been out there looking for alternative employment but my problem is no one wants to hire me because of my school schedule. This is the reason I like working at my current crappy job because they a VERY flexible with my school schedule. So I've found the solution!!! Ever since I moved to New York, about 2 and a half years ago, I've had strangers come up to me on numerous occasions that asked me if I'm a model. I would always smile and say..."No, I'm not." Well I have finally gotten the hint. I can use this so called "natural talent" and turn it into a real money maker. After all, this is New York where dreams come true :) So.....I have signed up to do a 11-week training course on how to be a proper model. This school I signed up for specializes in runway, magazine and commercial. So I will have the opportunity to see what type of modeling fits me most. I have learned a long time ago that if I really want something I need to invest in it. I wanted a career, so I invested in college. I want to make money as a model, so I going to invest in the proper training to do so.

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