Saturday, October 31, 2009


Every night I come from my tiring job, I always feel like I'm forgetting to do something before going to bed. Not too long ago, it hit me! I was supposed to be posting a blog everyday and I have missed 2 days already. YIKES!!! Nonetheless, I am doing what I need to do (better late than never).

Ever since I can remember, people always ask me about my name. Whenever I tell them they never believe me. I always get questions like, "Is that really your name, or a nickname?", "Do you have siblings with names like Star and Glitter?" and most recently someone asked me for identification to verify my name. I think all this is all too funny, but to clear up why my mother decided to name me Sparkle, I shall let you know the history of how my name came along.

We all know that a regular pregnancy lasts 9 months. My mother was pregnant with me for a few days shy of 10 months. She was worried but the doctors told her that she should not be alarmed. Eventually decided to induce labor. When my head came out, the doctors realized that I was suffocating because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck. When they finally got me out, my skin had turned blue. After assuring that I was ok, the nurses commented that my eyes were "so sparkly and alert." At the hospital, every time a nurse bought me to my mother to breast feed me they would say, "Here's your sparkly eyed baby." Eventually, my mother decided to give me the name Sparkle with reference to the nickname that was given to me by the labor ward nurses.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My First Time Blogging--Introduction

My name is Sparkle Demming and I reside Brooklyn, NY. I was born and raised in the small Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago. I come from a very multi-ethnic background; I'm part east Indian, Carib (indigenous tribe of Trinidad), African, Spanish, and Caucasian (at least that's what I know I have only been living in the United States for 2 years and 5 months and have accomplished an Associates' Degree in Health Care Office Administration and I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor's in Business Management focusing on Health Services Management.

Well, that was a little about me for my fellow bloggers. Until next time....
